Saturday, June 25, 2011

Memorial Day 2011, Last Day Of School and A Hail Storm!

Nicholas began Pre-K in January of 2010. He had to change schools after his first semester due to zoning issues. We really loved his first teacher, Mrs. V. She helped Nicholas so much with his first experience attending school and really took a liking to him. She was even too broken up to hand Lisa the letter, on the last day of school in 2010, stating that we would have to change schools. As soon as she learned about our transfer, she immediately contacted his next teacher, Mrs. Mullins. We did not meet Mrs. Mullins until August of 2010 and she too was a wonderful teacher and strong academic influence on Nicholas. As of right now we are not sure if Nicholas will be able to continue at his current school. We have registered him there and requested a transfer (since we currently do not live in the correct zone) but will not know until closer to the beginning of school in late August. This is the main reason we are trying to move to a home in the school zone for his current school or at least a lot closer than we are now.

But the real story here is that Nicholas will be starting Kindergarten this year! (OMG)

He will be going a full day as well. (Pre-K was only 3 hours each day) Lisa and I have already begun our daily prayers for his Kindergarten teacher, whoever they are! We have about two more months of praying until the big day arrives...yiiiikes.... I am nervous, excited, proud, happy, sad (he's getting older) and a few other emotions I cannot quite pinpoint. I am also very happy for Lisa since she seemingly has not had more than a few hours away from the boy since April of 2009. Soon she will have 5 or 6 hours Monday through Friday to herself. If ANYONE deserves this kind of break, it is Lisa. She is such a great Mommy to Nicholas each and every day and I know how blessed we are to have her in our family....but she REALLY needs a break!

But before school can start we have just few things we have to get past........

Lisa is having some minor surgery on July 1st (more details later) and will need to rest for at least a week...I have already secured a couple of sick days so I can stay home and tend to Lisa and wrangle the boy.

We have to have major work done on our house. Due to the recent hail storm on June 21, 2011, we will be having our roof replaced. Along with 5 windows, all of our gutters, 4 shutters and possibly have the whole house painted. Our claims adjuster is coming out on July 8th to assess the damage and decide how much money we will receive for the repairs. We have already spoken with 4 roofing companies in person and continue to get phone calls and door hangers from other companies each day! It appears that most of the roofs in Lantana will need to be replaced. We are hoping the upcoming improvements will help us sell the house.

Oh yeah, something else we need to do before school starts.

Sell our dang house, buy a new one and move in to it!

We also have to get Lisa's car fixed. Although both of cars sustained numerous dents from the hail, we are only going to file a claim for Lisa's mini-van since her side mirror was broken.

We are also getting a new pair of braces for Nicholas because he keeps growing and growing!!

And if you are wondering where we are going to come up with the $2,600 deductible for the house, the $500 deductible for the car, the $1,880 deductible for the surgery and the $257 for the new braces, and continue to eat and run the air are we!

We are also excepting donations! (We ain't too proud to beg)

Here are some pictures....hope everyone is having a happy summer!

The only thing better than one over-sized $3.50 shirt from
Walmart to celebrate Memorial Day is...

Three of them!

Our Christmas Card pose for 2011

Nicholas looking at Grandpa on Memorial Day

Nicholas and Grandpa on Memorial Day

Sometimes you gotta just sit in the backyard with your mommy and a garden hose to get properly cooled off during these hot summer months could just wear a big hat and have a cold drink

And then pose for some pictures before passing the hat
to rest of the family for their photo opportunity...

Sabian Puppy

Schnapps Puppy



This was the result of Nicholas trying to feed dinner to his Teddy Bears....looks more
like the morning after one of those legendary stuffed animal party's
we always hear about on the local news...

A cool and so far unidentified bug that Nicholas found at our local playground

Mommy loves playing with Lego!

...and so does Nicholas

"If I don't get some more LEGO real soon, everyone on this bridge is in BIG TROUBLE."
We are now accepting ALL LEGO donations!!

Last day of school party with a Hawaiian Theme!

His favorite place to sit in the reading center

From Left to Right....Mrs. Mullins, Miss Tonya, Miss Dora....they were so wonderful with our boy all year long. We hope we get to see them next year!

They finally got him to pose

Our front porch at approximately 3:00 AM on June 21, 2011

The side of my car in our driveway...that's a whole lotta ice!

In between our cars

One of Lisa's battered and beat up rose bushes

A collection of the culprits who destroyed our roof!

Lisa providing her finger to show the size of those big pesky pelting pieces

How much ice did we get in our driveway??
Enough to cover Lisa's entire foot!!

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